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Kuwait: 3-month extension of residency permits, visit visas from September 1

Kuwait’s Ministry of Interior announced it will extend residency permits and visit visas for three months starting on September 1, local media reported.

The extension will be processed automatically via the Ministry’s online services. The decision was made to avoid overcrowding at the Residency Affairs department.

This is the third extension that the Ministry of Interior has granted, as it allowed a three-month extension between March and May and then from June 1 to August 31.

The previous extensions were granted as many ministries remained shut between March and June, due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Although those who hold a visit visa are granted an extension, they are unable to change their visit visa to a residence permit, as per the instructions of the Ministry of Interior last week.

The government has been implementing various changes to residency and visa regulations to deal with the demographic imbalance. Currently, 70 per cent of the population of Kuwait is made up of expats.


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