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GCC CountriesUAEPeople & Culture

UAE Arrests 64 For Breaking Self-Quarantine Law

On Thursday, the UAE’s Ministry of Interior confirmed that it has referred 64 people to the country’s Public Prosecution for violating Federal Law No. 14 of 2014 with regards to the prevention of communicable diseases, reported official news agency WAM.

The individuals did not adhere to the 14-day home-quarantine that they were instructed to observe and thereby exposed others to the disease, causing the spread of Covid-19.

The UAE Ministry of Justice has confirmed that Covid-19 has now been included under its communicable disease, implying that those who violate the precautionary measures outlined by authorities to prevent the spread of the disease are subject to imprisonment and/or fines.

For those who are infected by the disease and travel to any place other than a health facility without the approval of the ministry or health agency, they will be liable for imprisonment and/or a fine of between Dhs10,000-Dhs50,000.



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