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Saudi: Aramco, Red Sea Global, Saudia Top Companies to Work for in the Kingdom

Saudi Arabia’s Aramco, Red Sea Global, and Saudia have been listed among the top companies in the kingdom. The Saudi companies were listed based on LinkedIn data. It will act as “a guide for professionals at any stage of their career, whether it’s the ones planning to change paths, those who are jumping back into the workforce after a hiatus, or even individuals seeking to enhance their skills,” a statement by LinkedIn said.

Various factors contributed to the LinkedIn ‘Top Companies’ list. This includes how employees are growing within the company and when they leave, how employees upskill while employed and how companies are empowering people to progress in their careers.

Procter & Gamble (P&G) made a “noteworthy appearance” in both Saudi Arabia and the UAE, “indicating a strong foothold in the GCC and commitment to empowering career growth for employees across markets,” the statement said.

There were also key trends observed from the annual ‘Top Companies’ list. The kingdom’s public sector grabbed top spots in the Kingdom, despite its “considerable progress towards diversifying its economy.” Aramco has retained its position as a top company in the country for the third year in a row.


Arabian Business

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