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UAE Federal Tax Authority to launch EmaraTax platform on December 5

The Federal Tax Authority will launch the EmaraTax platform on December 5, 2022, it said on Sunday.

The migration to EmaraTax will commence at the end of the day on Wednesday, November 30, the FTA added.

“To minimise disruption to taxpayers the FTA has planned this migration to EmaraTax to coincide with the National Day holiday and well in advance of the usual tax return submission and payment dates,” the authority said.

The new platform enhances the way taxpayers can access the FTA’s services, pay their taxes and obtain refunds. It also enhances the ability of the FTA to administer taxes in the UAE.

The FTA will continue to launch additional services and features in phases, including an EmaraTax application for mobile phones, until the first quarter of next year.

The new online platform aligns with the UAE Digital Government Strategy 2025.



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