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GCC CountriesMoney & BusinessExpatsTravel

Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait see drop in remittances by Filipino expats

According to statistics based on data from the Central Bank of the Philippines, remittances of Filipino workers from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries increased slightly during 2021 by 0.67 percent to reach USD 5.148 billion, compared to USD 5.114 billion in the previous year.

Three Gulf countries witnessed an increase in the value of Filipino workers’ remittances last year. Topping the list is the UAE with an increase of 2.56 percent and with remittances amounting to USD 1.32 billion, followed by Saudi Arabia with an increase of 1.31 percent and with remittances amounting to USD 1.835 billion, and then Qatar with an increase of 1.11 percent, and with remittances worth USD 829.48 million.

Remittances of Filipinos from three other Gulf countries decreased last year. In the Sultanate of Oman, Filipino workers’ remittances decreased by 6.32 percent to reach about USD 361.67 million. The second country in this regard was Bahrain, which witnessed a decrease of 1.16 percent to reach USD 225.89 million, and the third Gulf country with reduced remittances of Filipino workers is Kuwait.


Arab Times

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