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6 Kuwaiti Doctors Including Former Minister Suspended for Medical Misconduct

Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadi, the Minister of Health, has taken decisive action by suspending the professional licences of six Kuwaiti doctors, one of whom is a former minister. The decision was made in response to a range of serious violations committed by these medical professionals.

According to an official source, the grounds for the suspension of these doctors’ licences include their involvement in the illicit trade of Lyrica, a prescription medication, as well as operating medical facilities without the necessary licences, according to reports. In addition to raising serious concerns about medical professionalism, these actions pose significant risks to public health.

In addition to the suspension of medical licences, Minister Al-Awadi has also issued financial penalties against 20 prominent companies that were engaged in contracts with the Ministry of Health. These fines come as a result of contractual violations that were identified during a thorough review and audit process.


Arab Times Online

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