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3,027 Bahrainis Abroad Wish to Return Home

It was revealed at the joint parliamentary-governmental meeting yesterday that the number of Bahrainis present abroad is currently 43,699 citizens distributed in a number of countries. Of them, about 3027 citizens want to return to the country due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The government delegation talked about the numbers of those stranded abroad and those wishing to return, as the delegation explained that their numbers are as follows, according to the countries in which they are: Egypt 213 citizens, Jordan 364, Britain, 250, Germany 68, Russia 56, Iran 1630, Thailand 54, Saudi Arabia 34.


The government has till now, submitted a plan to evacuate the Bahrainis stranded in Iran, who are present in 4 Iranian cities, namely: Tehran, Mashhad, Shiraz, and Lar.


The statement said that the plan includes operating 18 flights starting from Monday to the twenty-eighth of May.


In the details, Deputy Muhammad Al-Sisi, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defense and National Security Committee, confirmed, during the meeting, the legislative and executive authorities agree on the outlines of the evacuation plan, explaining that the government did not reject any request to return any citizen and all requests are received and pursued and that Bahrain Its borders and airport have not been closed, while countries have criticized us while refusing to open their airports to their citizens.


Al-Sisi explained that there are evacuation plans for everyone in coordination with Gulf Air, assuring everyone of the return, demanding that the stranded people live and be treated abroad until their evacuation from abroad, and he mentioned, in particular, the citizens stranded in Iran, being the largest number of Bahraini citizens stranded.



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