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2426 Websites Blocked in Kuwait for Violations

Since the onset of the year, the Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) has taken decisive action against website violations by effectively barring access to 2426 websites found to be flouting legal statutes and regulatory provisions. Over the same period, the authority has greenlit 5 petitions for unblocking certain websites.

Within the ambit of CITRA vigilant oversight initiatives, undertaken in collaboration with other governmental bodies and relevant entities, the authority has initiated the activation of protocols outlined in the “Regulations governing the procedures for restricting illicit digital content.” This is in alignment with its mandate to formulate policies and protocols governing Internet content access, reports Al-Rai.

During this year’s commencement, the authority logged 2,431 reports of website blockage submitted by various parties. Government agencies’ reports have prominently led with 1,651 submissions, constituting approximately 68 per cent of the total list. Private parties occupied the second position with 688 reports, contributing around 28.3 per cent, while individual submissions accounted for 92 reports, making up an estimated 3.8 per cent.

The sources underlined the spectrum of reports relayed to CITRA for website blockage encompassing violations of local statutes, breaches of intellectual property rights, publications violations, malware, electronic phishing, and inappropriate content.

Among the fraudulent websites that were targeted, about 33 were impersonating the Ministry of Commerce, 22 as Kuwait Post, 14 purported to be related to the Kuwait Stock Exchange, and 3 deceitful websites were identified using the names of the Ministry of Interior and other governmental agencies.


Arab Times Online
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