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2021 Olympics Will be Cancelled If Pandemic Persists: Games Chief

The International Olympic Committee and the Japanese government last month postponed the Games until July 2021 because of the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.

With the epidemic’s worldwide infection rate climbing and experts suggesting a vaccine is still a long way off, questions are being asked about whether the huge setpiece event might need to be delayed further.

“No. In that case, the Olympics will be scrapped,” Tokyo 2020 chief Yoshiro Mori said in an interview when asked if the Games could be postponed again until 2022.

However, the former prime minister remained confident they would go ahead in 2021.

“We have delayed the Olympics until next summer after we will have won the battle,” he was quoted as saying.

Asked about Mori’s comments, Tokyo 2020 spokesman Masa Takaya emphasised organisers were focusing on next year.

Mori “mentioned this comment in his own thoughts,” Takaya added.


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