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$200,000-worth award to be given to outstanding Bahraini doctors

Earlier this year, HRH Prime Minister issued directives to celebrate the Bahraini Doctors’ Day on the first Wednesday of November each year, and launch a US $200,000-worth award carrying his name to honour outstanding Bahraini doctors in the medical, clinical and treatment research.

The ‘Khalifa bin Salman Award for Bahraini Doctor’ award consists of a shield and a certificate bearing the emblem of the award, in addition to a financial reward granted to winners from the public and private sectors.

The award shall be granted in two categories. The first is Innovation and Creative Award in Therapeutic, Clinical and Medical Research. It will be granted to three Bahraini doctors who prepare therapeutic, clinical and medical scientific research and attain distinguished achievements in their medical field characterised by creativity and innovation.

Meanwhile, the second category, “Extended Loyalty and Giving Award”, will be granted to a Bahraini doctor who has worked for a period of no less than 30 years, in recognition and appreciation of their efforts and contributions.


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