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10 Outstanding Schools in Bahrain

Nine government schools along with one private school in Bahrain were rated “Outstanding” by the Education and Training Quality Authority (BQA). This information was taken from the authority’s latest annual report.

According to the report, these schools have maintained their outstanding performance over BQA’s consecutive review cycles.

Umm Ayman Primary Girls School

Location: Hoora
Tel: 17294707, Fax: 17291829
email: ayman.pr.g@moe.gov.bh

Khadija Al-Kubra Intermediate Girls School

Location: Muharraq
Tel: 17344213, Fax: 17344130
email: khadija.in.g@moe.gov.bh

Khawla Secondary Girls School

Location: Gudaibiya
Tel: 17742942, Fax: 17742922
email: khowlah.se.g@moe.gov.bh

Hassan Bin Thabet Primary Boys School

Location: Muharraq
Tel: 17324050, Fax: 17323147.
email: hasaan.pr.b@moe.gov.bh

Mariam Bint Omran Primary Girls School

Location: Muharraq
Tel: 17344623, Fax: 17342684
email: manam.pr.g@moe.gov.bh

West Riffa Primary Girls School

Location: Riffa
Tel: 17661234, Fax: 17650501
email: wrifaa.in.g@moe.gov.bh

Al-Sehlah Primary Girls School

Location: Jidhafs
Tel: 17400086
email: sahlah.pr.g@moe.gov.bh

Aminah Bint Wahab Primary Girls School

Location: Muharraq
Tel: 17324030, Fax: 17322834
email: aminah.pr.g@moe.gov.bh

Al-Sanabis Primary Girls School

Location: Sanabis
Tel: 17550452, Fax: 17553830
email: sanabis.pr.g@moe.gov.bh

Nadeen School

Location: Adliya
Tel: 17728886, Fax: 17728 886,
email: info@nadeenschool.com, www.nadeenschool.com


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