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Bahrain: TRA to launch (.bh) domain name registry

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the Kingdom of Bahrain has launched its promotional campaign aimed at introducing the mechanisms for registering new domain names for Bahrain (.bh), demonstrating the importance and benefits of using the domain name for Bahrain.

Domain names will be available for assignment with mainly IT companies, including telecommunications companies licensed by TRA wishing to assign domain names on behalf of TRA so that assignment is available for local and international customers.

The new process of registration is fast, simple, and secure cutting the time of registration from days to minutes. Being able to register your .bh domain in such a quick manner is a boost to Bahrain’s digital presence in key sectors such as tourism, culture, and the economy. 

In addition to .bh domain name, an International Top Level Domain Name in Arabic (.البحرين) has been assigned for those wishing to use the names of their websites in Arabic. Priority will be granted to those with a .bh digital presence and local extensions (i.e edu.bh) to book Arabic extensions for six months from the launch of the service, after which it will be made available to the general public.

TRA would like to note that during quarter 4 of 2021, registration will be open for trademark & CR holders initially, followed by locally based entities and institutions and individuals, and then registration will be open to the international public.

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