GCC CountriesBahrain
Bahrain Weather: Strong Gusts Predicted On Monday

The Directorate of Meteorology forecasts a cloudy and dusty weather tomorrow Monday with a chance for scattered rain and rising sand in some regions.
Northerly to northwesterly winds will range from 12 to 17 knots, reaching 17 to 22 knots, and rising to 22 to 27 knots at times. The department warned of strong gusts.
The maximum temperature will be 20 degrees Celsius and the minimum temperature will be 15 degrees Celsius.
Maximum relative humidity will be 85% and minimum 35%.
Sea waves will rise from 1 foot to 3 feet inshore and 3 to 6 feet offshore.
The highest tide will be at 6:01 pm and 5:54 am and the lowest tide will be at 12:11 am and 12:27 pm.
Sunrise will be at 6:17 am and sunset will be at 5:26 am.