Bahrain: Delay in Chinese Imports Affects Businesses

Clearance Brokers and dealers talked about the delay in the arrival of Chinese goods amid the outbreak of “Coronavirus”, which is digging China into a hole. Business owners said that the delay is up to three months and other open-ended periods and that this delay could cause a “depression” to companies in the foreseeable future.
“According to our suppliers and factories that we deal with, the closest shipment could take place in May or June, but it is conditional on eliminating Coronavirus in April,” a business owner said.
In a letter to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bahrain, a business owner – Fulaij called for the initiative and a meeting to suggest possible solutions to help merchants and form a committee to discuss the issue, similar to what was done by some of the region’s chambers of commerce, especially since Bahrain relies significantly on China for imports.